
Saturday, September 20, 2014


Photography Narrative is what the acronym means. To randomize more of things, we have habits as humans to follow a certain system. To tie it in, photography is there to justify something "fixed in time" and stuck within a frame. A photograph can define a diverse image and valuable data. "The experience and evidence" of a photograph makes something memorable and noticeable to the viewer. Also, there is a difference to a photograph and image. Photographs are accessible and uploaded to the most popular social networking site. People with the availability of a camera is considered a photographer. So anyone who takes photos and uploads them, can be someone with a potential to have a variety of character in oneself. It's like a story from one picture and then it continues as you upload photos that are "linear" to your storyline. People with a connected, nonsecuritive hub can progress. You can learn more by a visual image or photograph that says 1000 or more words.

Other Side Notes:

  • What do you need to be a photographer?
  • What is photograph now?
  • Instagram and Snapchat
  • Business shaped the way images represent and how we product images to satisfy

Reference to Jonathan Worth's "Why Phonar? Lecture 1" Video

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