
Monday, September 8, 2014

Beowulf Essay (You are Beowulf)

Prompt: Beowulf exemplifies the heroic traits and the literary techniques of its time.  Analyze this in the context of our class discussion and the commentary you read, and compare with a contemporary hero and the way his/her story is told.

You are Beowulf

"A hero is born among a hundred, a wise man is found among a thousand, but an accomplished one might not be found even among a hundred thousand men" is a quote by Plato who describes heroes in his own fashionable way. Plato probably followed up with Greek mythology heroes who suppressed superhuman qualities, feared nothing, endured a warrior mindset, and expressed love for mankind. That same heroic mentality and physicality applies to the first Old English hero Beowulf. Readers and listeners adorned a person who can do such things that they couldn't do themselves or as a whole. A hero stands out and faces danger in the frontal assault against evil. Beowulf exemplifies such qualities that it inspires today's heroes to act the same way or present in a manner of being a true warrior at heart. Nothing could compare to Beowulf as the force behind preserving man, but it just happens that Beowulf is not the only hero as the contemporary world features heroes today.

As time prospers by, a small amount of individuals value time and exploit to do good where ever they are. They're known as BAMFs or to be more appropriate, a hero who doesn't hold onto the superhuman qualities that Beowulf has, but a person who takes the initiative for doing something morally and virtually right. We see some of these people in literature with a heroic story line that gradually adds up to the character's growth. Harry Potter for example is one of those heroes who faces wickedness at it's finest, but not alone since his friends help him along the way. Heroes in contemporary literature do not fight the battle alone necessary because having someone's back is what heroes really need during desperate times. Harry is trusted with friends like Ron and Hermione who definitely protects Harry's blindsides. Other literature protagonist such as Percy Jackson, a demigod who grows up to be as strong as his father, the god of the sea, Poseidon. Heroes like Percy always need help from friends, unsurprisingly does get aid when fighting mythical creatures. Harry and Percy are recognized to fight evil as it fogs over their realm, they face it head on just as Beowulf has without being told by authority.

"A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is brave five minutes longer," quoted by Ralph Waldo Emerson is for people who do extraordinary things. As humans we are obscured by fate and god, which of course Beowulf knew were his decadence of a soon to be demise. In addition, there has to be a balance between the two forces, which also happens to be human action. Human action is what makes a hero viable and diverse advocate for making a difference. Whether if it's saving kids from a runaway chased vehicle by ramming it with a truck or making up money to give a homeless man a second chance, a hero is an everyday person who cares about the safety or future of others. Beowulf captured a similar sense of fortitude with his people by giving back or paying forward to make his kingdom feel content. Today's heroes do the same even if they aren't as rich and powerful as Beowulf, they care to be the anthropologist that others seek to be. It can be one who protects one's country, enforces the law, treats patients, or fights fire. Wait isn't this Beowulf? Nope, just ordinary citizens expressing Beowulf's heroic qualities. 

Upcoming heroes are not really seen in media or novels. They are the light in the dark working everyday to become the hero. Community wise, these heroes always help out to improve or volunteer. The assignments they are given are obstacles they have to match and will provide them with a heroic capacity of knowledge. The heroes of today have a kingdom within their own mindset, a future that awaits them as they fight down stress. The heroes we know now are ones who take up a challenge and can become stronger intellectually and socially. They are able to own their own choices like Beowulf has and takes no order to where they are headed. Assiduous students make ends by being aggressive when taking charge for getting something done. Students are the shadowed heroes who create their own heroic story and can tell their epicness to others.

The 21st century is not limited to one hero. We see heroes pop up from the importance of literature, the surprising media, and the destined heroes of education. A society is satisfactory to have many heroes stand up for what they believe in. Not every hero can be Beowulf, but Beowulf can't be like the other heroes.


  1. I really enjoyed how you started off your essay; it was really entertaining to read. I think you made your thesis within sentences, so it was a little longer than expected, so just try to narrow it down a little bit. Other than that I can honestly say that I really liked your essay and the way you included real life situations. Great job Jayce.

    1. Thanks Susel!, I know I've been really off with my thesis for the last two years and I feel like writing whatever comes to mind. I'll try to establish a thesis that can suit this essay.

  2. I was confused by the prompt if we were supposed to pick a single chacter to compare to throughout ot not. But really good job on the syntax and allusions to various things in modern literature. I like how the essay has a sense of direction yet compares so many different things while being tied to the thesis.

    1. Yeah, I wanted to extend the prompt on my own terms, since DP gave us the option to do so. Thanks though!

  3. The essay is great. The only thing really is the transition. When you create new paragraphs there'd be a weird transition. The quotes were also a great touch. The only thing you need to worry about when adding quotes into your essays is the way you implement them in.

    1. I need to work on that more. I forgot to connect the paragraphs together so that they could make sense. And the quotes too is where I was off, so I needed to base some material off of them too. Thanks for the advice!
